We are constantly aware that—in addition to achieving sound business performance—there are other aspects that guarantee our users and the wider society a richer, better and more beautiful life with full dignity.
All the employees at Medicoengineering bear the responsibility for protecting life. By using our products, people entrust us with their most precious possession: their lives. This responsibility cannot apply only to the present, but must be ensured for many years to come.
We are operating in a well developed industry, where success can only be achieved through knowledge, innovation and dedicated personnel. Every employee is important for Medicoengineering. Their fair and equal treatment is therefore the key principle in our employee relations. We are striving to create safe and motivating working conditions, offering our employees opportunities for achieving excellence, as well as for personal development.
Each individual and the overall atmosphere play a key role in the company’s heartbeat and therefore our support for creativity, better personal relations and continuous monitoring of changes, combined with soft leadership, have become part of our corporate culture.
Knowledge empowers and therefore we constantly supply professional training to all our employees. Competitive environments require our employees to improve on a continuous basis and to advance their skills and competences in many areas. Only by doing so, they will be able to face global competition and the challenges of our times.
Sponsorships and Donations
We believe that our focus on sustainable development and our attention to society’s needs are at the heart of our success. Through sponsorships and donations we support many medical and humanitarian projects.